Iceberg Theory In Real Life (Animated Story)

What Can Happen If Someone Experienced Conditional Love During Their Childhood Years?

It has been said that there are at least three types of love that a child can experience during their early years. There is value love, outcome love and love that is promised but never delivered.

Father Wounds: Can A Man Sabotage His Life If He Has The Need To Be Loyal To His Father?

If a man is finding it hard to move forward in life, he might find it hard to believe that this could be due to what took place during his early years. As far as he is concerned, what took place at this stage of his life could be in the past and that’s the end of it.

Father Wounds: Can A Be Difficult For A Boy To Grow Into A Man If His Father Was Abusive?

In order for a boy to not just grow into a man but to act like one, it will be essential for him to receive the right care and guidance. For this to take place, both his mother and father will play an important role.

Father Wounds: Can A Man Have A Disempowering Self-Image If His Father Wasn’t A Good Role Model?

What a man may find, if he was to take a step back and reflect, is that he doesn’t have a very positive view of himself. For a large part of his life, this may have been something that was just under the radar, so to speak.

Relationships: Do Relationships Allow Someone To Come Into Contact With Their Repressed Emotions?

One way for someone to look at relationships would be to see them as a vehicle that will allow them to become more whole and complete. The reason for this is that when they are with another person, some of the material that is held in their unconscious mind will be brought to the surface.

Father Wounds: Does A Man Need To Heal His Father Wounds In Order To Embrace His Masculinity?

If a man is very much estranged from his masculinity, he might not wonder if this is due to the issues that he has with his own father. In fact, he might not even be aware that he is out of touch with this side of his nature.

Self-Sabotage: Why Is It Hard For Someone To Realise That They Are Sabotaging Their Life?

If someone hasn’t been able to move forward in at least one area of their life, they could believe that it is due to what is going on “out there”. What is taking place in the external world is then going to be the reason why their life is the way that it is.

Can A Man Unconsciously Search For A Mother Figure If His Mother Was Emotionally Unavailable?

If a man didn’t receive the love and nurturance that he needed from his mother during his early years, it doesn’t mean that he will have simply been able to move on from what happened. Physically, as well as mentally, he will have grown, but emotionally, he is likely to be underdeveloped.

Critical Thinking: Do “Conspiracy Theorists” Need To Understand The Law Of Resonance?

If someone spends a lot of time looking into what appears to be happening behind the scenes, so to speak, they are not going to happy to go along with the narrative that the mainstream media sells. They are likely to be a deeply curious person who has the need to know what is actually going on.

Father Wounds: Can Man Fear His Own Aggression If He Had An Abusive Father?

One way for a man to view his aggression would be to see it as both a source of fuel and as something that will keep him alive. This means that, inherently, this part of him is not bad or “negative”.

Imposter Syndrome: Why Do Some High Achievers Feel Like Imposters?

Although someone could be in a position where they have achieved a lot in one area of their life or a number of areas, it doesn’t mean that they feel comfortable with their current level of success. What they may find, that’s if they were able to take a step back, is that it’s as though they are living a life that doesn’t belong to them.

Emotional Needs: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Disconnect From Their Emotional Needs?

When it comes to the needs that someone has, there will be at least three areas; their intellectual, emotional and survival needs. In order for them to live a fulfilling life, it will be essential for them to take care of each of these areas.

Fear: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Fear What Has Already Happened?

Now, if someone was to take a step back and reflect on what they fear, they may find that a number of things enter their mind. They could find that they have a fear of being abandoned and rejected.

The Mirror: Is Someone’s Outer World A Reflection Of Their Inner World?

One thing that someone’s ego-mind will do is allow them to have their own experience on this planet. As a result of this, it is possible for them to fulfil their own purpose or mission whilst they are here.

Emotionally Stunted: Can Childhood Neglect Cause Someone To Be Emotionally Stunted?

While someone can look like an adult, it doesn’t mean that they will feel like one. In fact, a lot of their feelings and needs can have more to do with a child than an adult.

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