How John Became Proactive (Animated Story)

Entitlement: Can Childhood Trauma Stop Someone From Developing A Healthy Sense Of Entitlement?

If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, what could become clear is that they don’t believe that they deserve anything. It is then not going to matter what they do or what they contribute, as this won’t change what is going on for them.

Transference: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To See Other People As Their Parents?

First off, regardless of whether or not someone experienced a lot of trauma during their early years, they are going to engage in transference. It could be said that this is just something that human beings do.

Emotionally Disconnected: Can A Crisis Allow Someone To Connect To Their True Feelings?

If someone is going through a very challenging period, there is the chance that they will have a lot going on internally. As to why this stage of their life is challenging, it could be due to a number of different reasons.

Disembodied: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Believe That It’s ‘All About The Mind’?

If someone was traumatised on a weekly, if not daily, basis during their early years, there is a strong chance that they will be in a bad way now that they are an adult. Still, although what took place at this stage of their life will have had a big effect on them, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this.

Critical Thinking: Why Does A Large Part Of Humanity Want A Powerful Leader?

In most, if not all, countries around the world, there is a government that is in control of what happens. Or, according to some people in the world, just appears to be in control of what happens.

If You Really Want to Be Happy, There Is Only ONE THING You Need!

Good news everybody – finally discovered the code to unending everlasting happiness. Trust me, I am not quoting from any book because I received this revelation from Heaven this morning and I am bursting forth with joy on having discovered this secret that the entire human race has been vociferously trying to decode since centuries.

Self-Expression: Can Childhood Trauma Make It Hard For Someone To Express Themselves?

If someone was to take the time to reflect on their own behaviour, what they may find is that it is a challenge for them to express themselves. This is not to say that this won’t ever take place but what it could mean is that this rarely takes place.

Self-Awareness: Is This Year A New Beginning?

When a year ends and another year begins, it is often seen as being a new beginning. What took place for someone in the previous year will be behind them and they will have the chance to create a very different life.

Your 4 Step Astral Projection Guide

This Astral Projection Guide takes you beyond the standard Out of Body Experiences. Learn how to harness your spiritual intuitive superpower.

Coronavirus: Is It Harder For Someone Handle What Is Going On If They Are Carrying Trauma?

As a result of what is currently taking place in the world, it has meant that a large part of the population hasn’t been able to carry on as normal. Right now, a lot of people are in isolation and are only allowed to leave their home to do certain things.

The Seven Immutable Laws of Wealth And How You Can Use Them To Your Advantage

According to Wikipedia, there were 2,095 billionaires and 46.8 million millionaires as at June 2020. The super-wealthy made up just 0.06% of the world’s population of 7.8billion. What are the chances you reading this article will join the ranks of the super-wealthy before this decade is over? Let me answer my question, your chances are as high as that of any other person on the planet if you follow the seven immutable laws of wealth explained briefly in this article.

Repetition Compulsion: Why Would Someone Repeat The Past?

The other night, I watched a video of a brown bear that kept walking around in circles. This bear was not in a cage, though, it was outside and was thus, free to go anywhere that it wanted.

Needs: Can Childhood Neglect Cause Someone To Hide Their Needs?

If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their own behaviour, they may see that they have the inclination to hide their own needs. They may see that, in general, this is something that just happens.

Setting Financial Goals

In order to get to where you want to go you have to know where you are going and this involves goal setting. Even if you do not set goals you will still end up someplace. Even those who ended up in the poor house started their journey someplace. Choosing where you want to go involves goal setting otherwise your destination will be chosen for you.

Critical Thinking: Is A Large Part Of Humanity Stuck In The Drama Triangle?

The mainstream media routinely gives exposure to stories where one person, or a group of people, is the victim and another person, or a group of people, is the perpetrator. One person will then have been randomly harmed in some way by another person.

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